How to get from mission / purpose to action steps

How to get from mission / purpose to action steps
Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

I was once asked the question: "If we agree on a mission/purpose, how do we get from that statement to tangible actions?" Here's a simple framework to consider based on a system developed by a couple of Proctor & Gamble alums...

  1. First, a well-crafted mission/purpose statement should be aspirational and literally unattainable (yes, really). If you get it right, it should guide your organization in perpetuity and never be fully fulfilled.
  2. Next, choose a timeframe between 1 and 3 years in length and set a lofty, yet attainable and measurable, goal that will serve as a meaningful milestone towards achieving your purpose. This is your Objective. Revisit it annually.
  3. Remember how the Objective needs to be measurable? Now, set Goals to measure it. What do sales/fundraising need to look like, and over what time period? What about retention/upsell? Gross Margin? Start rough, then refine.
  4. Once you have your Objective and Goals, brainstorm a list of Strategies to help you achieve them. If you're doing this as a team, I recommend using sticky notes—everyone’s input counts!
  5. Now that you have your list, rank the strategies. This is where it gets critical. It's not enough to simply order them; weight them. Decide how much focus each will get. For example, #1 might need 75% of your attention.
  6. You now have a ranked and weighted list of Strategies. Here’s the tough part: you can only keep 3-5. Any more, and they won't get done. Draw the line after 3-5. Revisit this list quarterly to stay on track.
  7. Once you've narrowed it down, assign an Owner to each Strategy. This person doesn't do all the work, but they are the "captain" of the Strategy. Their job is to ensure it’s executed well and moves you toward your Objectives and Goals.
  8. The Strategy Captain is now responsible for selecting the Plans that will be implemented to achieve each Strategy. A Plan might be “hire a leader for X” or “install software Y.” They don’t do it alone, but they are the decision-maker.
  9. Every Plan must have a due date and the initials of the person who owns it. The Plan owners may be the same as the Strategy Owners or different, but they should be the person most capable of leading that specific Plan. Check your Plans monthly.

So how do you get from a big idea to actionable steps?

  • Eternal Mission/Purpose
  • Attainable Objective & Goals to measure progress
  • Short list of Strategies with Captains, revisited quarterly
  • Plans with Owners and Due Dates, revisited monthly

This framework helps you go from vision to execution with clear steps.